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thanks! i’m ending my life now!!! 😁


i was not expecting that. i thought it was just a normal quiz game


this hurt gang (i love this


Owch that hurt 😔..

I'm crying



this is so beautiful


Here I thought I was getting a nice little fun quiz but, it was definitely heartbreaking and beautiful. Thank you!


This hurt, but I really loved it, thanks for creating this game!


YOU GOT: Sweet, But Aloof.

You're thoughtful. You write poetry for your partner, and buy them gifts when the heat gets to be too much. But your self-consciousness can get in the way sometimes; you're too embarrassed to share your poetry, and you go a long time without saying "I love you" out of fear that they won't say it back. Learn to open up. Learn to be vulnerable with another person. Otherwise, how will you ever really love them?

Otherwise, you might end up standing side by side beneath the fireworks on the fourth of July, and they'll look at your face, beautiful in the red and blue light, and they'll wonder if you really love them. And they'll think back to that night, over and over again, the way your face looked, and they'll think maybe you never did. And they'll cling to every gift you ever gave them, desperate for proof that you cared. And they may realize that these problems are just as much theirs, that it takes two to play this game, but god couldn't you just have loved them better? What if you each could have been enough for the other? It would've been so nice to be happy together.


Wow, this hit a bit too close to home and my past relationship, I loved it though!

great game 

You have a beautiful way with words. Thank you for making this game.


Not even joking this made me sob.


This is so beautifully written and I don't want you ever to stop.


Well that was a punch in the guts. Incredible. Just incredible.


I think I'm gonna cry... thank you for the beautifully tragic story ❤️

(1 edit) (+6)(-2)

spoilers below:

and to any other players reading this: yes, the only answer is sweet but aloof. I tested it haha 


damn, i got sweet but aloof. such a great game <3 was not expecting that but i loved it


[ and you go a long time without saying "I love you" out of fear that they won't say it back ]

god that feels true

I've played this game twice now, and I'll probably do it again in a couple months. I'll choose the same answers and get 'Sweet, But Aloof' again. Hurts to read because I know it's true, and I feel as though I've lived this one before but I love this game. Thank you for making this! 10000/10


I don't think you have to worry about making the same choice, this is a linear story, sweet but aloof was the type of lover the MC was.

I cried, 10/10. 

gave e flashbacks.

This game throws a twist right from the get go, but it works very well with it.

I really enjoyed this.

Thank you for making this game.


Goodness Gracious!!! This ripped at my heartstrings in both the best and worst ways possible! And it sorta called out a few things I already knew about myself, so, that was interesting. Loved the game, really wasnt what I was expecting.

I Got: Sweet, But Aloof

Love it.


okay, i cried. 

It reminds me of both my innocent love I had for this person, 

and also my friendship for my best friend.

If only I had been a little more honest with my feelings, maybe things would have been different. 

I thought it was in the past, behind me,

but now I'm crying at 3 AM because I thought I was doing a silly test..


I'm not reading all of that.


Tbh yes I am very self conscious I am like super afraid people will make fun of me or think I'm weird. Also it makes me a bit ashamed to be super romantic or admit my feelings.

Good game!

awe man right in the heart :( really amazing game, and honesty I learned a little bit.


I got caught so off guard I thought this game was about a stalker or something...


"Learn to be vulnerable with another person"

I did that before and I won't do it again


jesus christ


everybody gets a sweet but aloof???well i think 。。。there could be more fun


playing this after a breakup is like getting waterboarded 


I didn't expect this from the game, I thought it was going to be a simple test, but it made me feel guilty, almost nine years ago I liked a person that I feel I didn't tell enough, I feel I didn't talk enough, I could never figure out if he really loved me or if it was just an infatuation that he refused to let go, I always wondered the difference between the two, and I always will, since now he is on the other side of the world, different times, different cities, and probably, different memories and feelings for the other one. Sweet but aloof, I wanted really bad to tell the game that this was not everything I wanted from them even if it was a lie, but I guess my dishonesty with my feelings never got me anywhere. Nice game, would play again


I was not honestly expecting this outcome. I'll be honest I've never dated in my life or have any romantic relationship with anyone not even at my highschool years, although some boys confess to go out with them, but I knew deep down they were toying with my feelings, as I wasn't the first girl in my class being asked out, they've simply weren't mature enough to understand how romance work and lack feelings to take it seriously enough. I just kindly told them no thanks or shook my head no. I am shy and introvert and basically antisocial when necessary I will talk nonstop if we had similar interests. It's a shame that it's already 23 years of my life with no romantic exciting feelings occur, not that it bothers me as I can live with fictional world of romance, psychologically it's an awful idea, however, playing these sorts of game I can sympathize with the Protagonist or even the Boyfriend/girlfriend part, meaning they probably weren't soo bad or just couldn't express the feelings the right way. Am I gullible and naive? It's possible but after all, the realistic situation of this game really hurts me somehow. I'm in shock, I hope to read more and see other outcomes to this story explains the relationship with the EX and the MC somehow. This, I can see more story lore in another game or something from the Dev! 

Sweet but aloof? Hmm... I am shy and introverted, this is totally a right description of me! Somehow. (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠;


I was not ready for that


Think I cried a bit tbh. :')


Ouch, alright. A little reminiscent of my last relationship. Yikes. Great game!

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